Student Webtext Instructions

For an early assignment sequence in this course, students investigated and critiqued a set of instructions or tutorial for a task that was new to them to better consider new user experiences when engaging with technical writing. From there they drafted a set of instructions for a common task of their choice that they knew how to complete well. Students then revised and adapted their instructions into dynamic webtexts using the software Twine. The following links direct you to students' final webtexts for the course, using the titles that they picked for their webtexts. To complete the assignment sequence, students were asked to choose three classmates' webtext instructions and provide user feedback to them.

How to Apply Sunscreen

How to block someone on Instagram?

How to change username on Snapchat

How to Create a Spotify Playlist

how to fold a shirt

How to make an Apple Music playlist

How to make tie-dye using bleach

how to not procrastinate (in Twine)

How to use Tinder (Twine)

Instructions (in Twine) and User Feedback

Instructions SU22 S____ H____

Instructions (Twine) DB

Instructions (Twine)

Instructions (Twine)

Instructions Twine

Instructions twine


Pina Colada Recipe

Twine Instructions, M______ K___ (Corrected)

Using a French Press to Brew Coffee
